Saturday, January 16, 2010

Nodes Knots Connections

I see a transportation terminal similar to a doorknob.  Just as the doorknob is the handshake to a home, a terminal is a handshake to a city or region.  So I was wondering what makes duluth such a great location, a location that draws so many people to it?  Duluth already has a history of being a transportation hub, transporting goods.  This shipping hub is the inner most port of the country, linking the midwest to the oceans.  Mix that with the natural resources in the area, iron ore, taconite and timber and the region booms.  Today, the port is still used to export iron ore and taconite as well as import goods for the midwest.  This along with the parks and trails have opened up tourist attractions that draw people to the area.  People want to experience the history.  People want to experience nature and wilderness.  The city of Duluth exists because of its natural resources, yet the built environment tries to respect nature.  The area shows a balance in support of nature and the built environment. In the end they are each interconnected and supporting eachother.

1 comment:

  1. Duluth sounds really awesome!! Your description makes me want to visit!
